Perhaps there’s no stronger indicator of changing opinions about divorce and legal separation that a new phenomenon called divorce parties. The events, sometimes even co-hosted by spouses on the verge of receiving a divorce decree, are ostensibly for the purpose of celebrating a new transition in a divorcee’s life.
Divorce attorneys, as well as skeptics, might question whether the party planning is contingent on an amicable divorce proceeding. Indeed, Georgia readers of this divorce blog have heard many about many disputes involving property division, child support obligations and child custody. In the most contentious divorces, a spouse many need to hire a private investigator to uncover hidden assets or financial accounts.
Perhaps not surprisingly, celebrity couples are credited with pioneering the social trend. In 2011, rock musician Jack White and Karen Elson hosted such a divorce party, commemorating both their six-year anniversary and their plans for a divorce.
Historically, money has been one of the biggest reasons why divorces become contentious, dragging on for months and racking up legal fees. However, considering that many couples consult a divorce attorney about strategies for keeping their separate financial assets separate, such as through prenuptial or even post-nuptial agreements, the possibility of an amicable divorce is not that inconceivable.
In addition, the changing demographic of the average American workplace also may encourage divorcing parents to take a more democratic approach to child custody and support issues. When both parents work and make comparable incomes, it might be easier to simply divide parenting time and child-rearing costs equally.
Source:, “Divorce Party: Tacky Or Tasteful?” May 15, 2013