If you are a stay-at-home mom getting a divorce, you are in a unique position. One of your particular concerns is probably employment. You may wonder how you can get a job after staying at home for years.
The truth is that it is possible to achieve financial stability post-divorce. Here are some guidelines to help you regain your financial footing as you end your marriage.
Fight for support
One key issue in any divorce case is the determination of support payments. If your marital history is one of you staying at home while your spouse earns the money, you can actually use it in your favor. Family court judges want the entire family to maintain as much stability and consistency as possible. Alimony helps you maintain your lifestyle and child support provides for your kids. Do not be shy about asking for your fair share of support payments.
Explore your interests and options
Before you enter the workforce again, think about what you may want to do. Do you want to return to a career you had before marriage? What about exploring a new career path? Are you interested in going back to college? You have so many options in front of you. You can even meet with a career counselor to figure out what type of education or training you should get as you get back into the workplace.
Revise your resume
Just because you do not have recent employment experience does not mean you are not skilled or qualified. Make sure to include any volunteer work on your resume. This can be anything from volunteering for a local service organization to acting as a coach on your kid’s sports team. You can also use a cover letter or summary to describe how your parenting skills may translate to the job at hand. Parenting requires a lot of organization, responsibility, cleaning and multi-tasking, so do not be afraid to brag about the experience you have.