As part of your recent divorce, you and your former partner must decide how to continue raising your daughter together. Developing a viable parenting plan allows all three of you to create balance in your new lives.
See what Our Family Wizard advises for your plan. Learn how to make the most of your time with your child.
Create a realistic parenting schedule
When deciding how much time your child has with each parent, keep things realistic. Think about your work schedule, the other parent’s work schedule, your child’s needs and any other obligations you have that could limit how much free time you have to spend with your daughter. When necessary, be open to adjusting your schedule when holidays and birthdays around.
Keep your child’s interests in mind
When creating your parenting plan, keep your daughter’s most favorable interests at the forefront of your mind. What kind of plan benefits your daughter and meets her emotional and mental needs the most? Just like you may have to adjust your parenting plan to account for your changing schedule and holidays, you may need to shift your plan to account for your daughter’s changing needs as she grows up.
Make communicating part of your plan
No matter if you and the other parent get along well post-divorce, your parenting plan must account for communication between you two. You and your ex may want to create a shared calendar so you can anticipate adjusting your schedules around each other. If the two of you would rather not communicate face-to-face, you can do so through technology. It is good to plug in a structured way for the two of you to communicate before conflict arises from miscommunication or misunderstanding.