Georgia parents may recognize that one of the realities of getting a divorce is the process of negotiating for child custody. While it may not always be easy to fit the backward and forward shuttling of children into busy schedules, many divorced parents have managed to agree on workable parenting plans. Reaching an agreeable schedule typically requires tolerance and the ability to communicate and compromise. However, many couples have reached a stage where communication is non-existent, and external help may be required to reach suitable agreements with regard to child custody.
Fortunately, such assistance is available in the form of mediation. However, because the rules of every jurisdiction differ, it may be advisable to obtain relative information before committing to mediation. While it is not uncommon for individuals to be extremely emotional during mediation, it may be a good idea to come prepared with a list of proposals and concerns.
Help is also available in the form of counseling to prepare individuals for the court mediation process. Learning how to bring one’s point across and how to cope with confrontation by the opposite party may be beneficial. Being fully prepared may also keep an individual focused on the task at hand when emotions run high. It is essential for individuals not to be pressured into signing agreements with which they are not perfectly happy. Keep in mind that once the signed agreements are presented to the family court, it may be very difficult to bring about any changes.
The objective of child custody mediation is to create a plan that will serve the best interests of the children and should be kept in mind during this whole procedure. Once both parties have the time to reflect on the parenting plan and reach a final agreement, the signed document will be presented to a Georgia court for approval. After successful mediation where the concerns of both parties are properly accommodated, families may go on to live full and happy lives.
Source: The Huffington Post, “Preparing for Child Custody Mediation“, Caroline Choi, May 22, 2014