Ordway Law Group, LLC
Ordway Law Group, LLC
Divorce & Family Law

Don’t let a Facebook update ruin your divorce

On Behalf of | Jul 29, 2018 | Uncategorized |

Social media is such an important part of our lives that many people don’t give a second thought to posting a selfie on Instagram or a status update to Facebook. In most cases, this presents no problem. However, Georgia residents in the midst of a divorce might find out the hard way that a seemingly innocent picture can tell the court a lot more than a thousand words. To put it simply, your social media activity may be detrimental to your divorce case.

How can something as insignificant as a tweet hurt my case, you might wonder? Many people don’t realize that others can scrutinize an account, even if it is private, and that content posted online may be used by exes and opposing counsel to infer the concealing of assets or other discrepancies. Take into account the following scenarios:

  • You report to the court that you lost your job, but post pictures on Instagram of yourself and a new flame enjoying yourselves on vacation.
  • You have told your spouse and others that you are heartbroken about the impending divorce, but your positive, upbeat Facebook updates and photos of you living it up at a party imply otherwise.
  • You tell the judge that it will be a hardship to pay a significant amount in child support, but your social media posts show you enjoying a night out at an expensive restaurant.

Your social media posts may be completely innocent and not tell the full picture. For example, your parents may have paid for the restaurant dinner, and your positive posts and social activity might be an attempt to build yourself up and hide your pain. However, this would not stop the opposing side from using anything they can against you. Your best move while going through a divorce is to put all social media on hold and wait until your divorce is final before getting active on Facebook and Instagram again.

Ordway Law Group, LLC – A Reputation For Excellence In Resolving Complex Divorces


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